Monday, October 18, 2010


We have moved over to come and check it out! Leave a comment and tell me what you think.... There is a yummy PF Chang's Lettuce Wraps recipe over there... You know you want to check it out...
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cupcake Pops... and Bites!

Well if you all have never been to Bakerella's blog then you may have seen these when she was on Martha! Or you may have seen them in her new cook book that is available at here at Amazon! FYI My birthday is days away and I do not own it yet... *hint hint* Well anyway I have been one of her regular stalkers for years now and I attempted cake balls...
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Taco Salad!

If you are anything like me then you enjoy a good taco night! I mean who doesn't? It does not require much time or ingredients and it is fantastic! When I was a kid taco bar night (which is what my mom calls it) was my favorite night... well that and cereal night! I know my mom thought she was  a bad mom when she would let us eat cereal for dinner...
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Snicker doodles!

Just say it with me... Snicker doodles! It is such a fun name to say! I love it! AND I love snicker doodles. They are similar to a sugar cookie only they are so light and and delicious with that cinnamon sugar outside...YUM that is just all there is to it. I have been craving these for a while and the other night I decided that was it, I was...
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shrimp and Penne in Tomato Cream Sauce

Do you ever stumble upon a recipe that you know you are going to love? You know that there is no way on this earth that you won't and you are so excited to make it that it is all you want to talk about or think about until you can actually do it! Well that is how I felt the moment I read this on The Pioneer Woman's blog page. It spoke to my little...
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