Well if you all have never been to Bakerella's blog then you may have seen these when she was on Martha! Or you may have seen them in her new cook book that is available at here at Amazon! FYI My birthday is days away and I do not own it yet... *hint hint* Well anyway I have been one of her regular stalkers for years now and I attempted cake balls back in the day and I just was not thrilled with the outcome. However, I constantly see the pops and bites posted at Bakerella's site and see others do it and thing, "hey all these people wouldn't make them if they were gross and if they can all make them look so cute and pretty then damn it I can too!!" So it was round three with cake balls but this time bites and pops! I must say... I AM SO PROUD OF THESE LITTLE SUCKERS!!! I can already feel an addiction to make these again and again!

I had the perfect excuse to make these too, it is my friend Christie's birthday today and what better gift then a bouquet of cupcake pops! cuter and tastier then flowers!!
Now I know you guys are going to be a little upset with me because my pictures are not the best quality and I am lacking some on the process but my camera charger has moved out and I cannot seem to find where it has relocated to! If anyone knows there is a reward for anyone who produces it or the information needed to obtain it! That or you can just buy me a Nikon D40 since as I stated earlier that my birthday is in 3 days and it would look so perfect hanging around my neck!!
So all you need to make these is:
Favorite cake recipe or box mix
Favorite frosting, home made or store bought
Candy melts or almond bark
m&m's and sprinkles for decorating if you want to
I just used what I had which was a Betty Crocker Devil's Food Cake mix with some fluffy white frosting.
Once you have the cake made cut it into four sections and crumble it in a big bowl.

Now scoop in a couple scoops of your frosting and mix it around until it is the right consistency not too wet but not too crumbly

Now roll the dough into 1.5" balls and place on a piece of wax paper that is on a cookie sheet.

I also bought this candy mold at Hobby Lobby and I placed a few in the mold for the bites I was going to make that were not on a stick.

Now here is where you are going to to get mad... I don't have any photos of the dipping process!! Eekkk but rest assured because Bakerella does so just go here and see the steps! I had only two hands and the lighting was terrible so the few pictures I did get of the dipping were more like trying to decode a science project therefore they are not posted!!
All you do is melt your candy melts or almost bark. Dunk the bottom of it in the chocolate or whatever color you want, tap off any excess and turn it upside down on the wax paper. Did the tip of your Lolly pop stick in the chocolate and insert it half way into your ball or cupcake shape. Once dry melt the top color and dip the pop into that color. Then decorate while wet and insert into a Styrofoam block to dry.

For the bites do the same thing just omit the step with the stick!

Yum!! Tastes like a brownie!

Once the pops were done and dried I placed a little treat bag over them and tied with a ribbon to give them a finished look.

I also took the bites and put them in a mini liner and then bagged them up too

They are so cute I almost felt bad eating one! But clearly not that bad!
Pardon the photo overload they are just so cute I can't stop taking pictures of them!

Take a bite and enjoy

I just love these and I know you will too!! I am already thinking of some Halloween ideas for how to do them again! I am so glad I gave it another shot. I think it really does just get easier with practice and the key is too not over do on the frosting and test the cake before you roll it so it is the right consistency! Which shouldn't be a problem since it is soooo yummy!!
Hope you all enjoy!
Such a great idea....I cant wait to see what you do for Halloween! I love these...a perfect gift for any occasion (hint hint).
You should be proud..these are darling!!!
I am glad you convinced yourself I am not an alien!!! My kids might be a bit scared of me if I were green with big eyes!!! lol
lol Leslie you crack me up! Thanks for the sweet comment!
Heather soooo cute! I have got to try these! My daughter will love them!
So...I always wanted to have a dessert table at my wedding. When the time comes, I might need to hire you to makeme super cute stuff just like this! I LOVE these!!
Thanks Jenn!! I would gladly do that!! It would be fun to have a bunch of different cute and fun desserts!! great idea!
Congratulations on making them!! I've always ogled at Bakerella's designs, just wish candy melts were available here!
You did SUCH a great job!!! They look awesome! I'm sure your birthday friend LOVED them!!!
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